Water Wisdom

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How A Reverse Osmosis System Works

How A Reverse Osmosis System Works

Most people don’t realize this, but tap water is not your friend. In fact, tap water is flat-out toxic. Store-bought bottled water isn’t much better either. The bottle may read BPA-free, but it’s certainly not...
Nitrates in the Water: The Dangerous Impact on Our Health

Nitrates in the Water: The Dangerous Impact on Our Health

When most people hear the term “nitrates,” they think of the warnings about cancer-causing preservatives in hot dogs and deli meats. But, did you know that nitrate is also a common contaminant in groundwater? Byproducts...
The Impact of Chlorine on Skincare: Why Buying More Face Cream Won’t Solve the Underlying Problem

The Impact of Chlorine on Skincare: Why Buying More Face Cream Won’t Solve the Underlying Problem

If you think that staying out of the pool saves your skin from the damaging effects of chlorine, you might want to think again. If you’re washing your face with the water that comes out...
What's In My Tap Water?

What's In My Tap Water?

If you’re on the fence on whether or not a home water filtration system is worth it, consider the chemicals added into your water and whether or not you want to be ingesting them. What’s...
The Silent Threat: How High Lead Levels in Drinking Water Affect Mental Health

The Silent Threat: How High Lead Levels in Drinking Water Affect Mental Health

It seems like common sense now that toxins, like lead, in our water are “bad” – but what does that mean? What do these toxins actually do to adversely affect our health? We came across...
Chlorine Levels Linked to Breast Cancer - The Goodfor Company

Chlorine Levels Linked to Breast Cancer

In this day and age, virtually everyone has had some connection to cancer either themselves or to someone in their family. People are rarely aware of how often they put themselves in a position to...
Zero Water Pitcher Reviews (Must Read) - The Goodfor Company

Zero Water Pitcher Reviews (Must Read)

A Review on ZeroWater Pitcher Water is one of the essentials humans needs for survival. The solvency of water makes it susceptible to easily dissolving impurities. Even with the importance of water, it is mind-boggling that...
Everything Your Brita Filter Isn't Doing (That You Assumed It Does) - The Goodfor Company

Everything Your Brita Filter Isn't Doing (That You Assumed It Does)

Are Brita Filters Safe?4 Things Your Brita Pitcher Is Failing At. Most people swear by their Brita Filters (“bad” or “good”), and they are an industry standard for the very baseline of water purification, and...
5 main chemicals that harm mother earth - The Goodfor Company

5 main chemicals that harm mother earth

As we celebrate Earth Day, it's important to remember the significant role that water plays in our everyday lives and environments. Water is essential for all living things, and the availability of clean, safe water...
8 Reasons Soft Water is so Important - The Goodfor Company

8 Reasons Soft Water is so Important

You’ve likely heard the terms soft water and hard water before, but you may not fully understand the differences between the two. In this article, we’ll explain what soft water is and why it’s important to your overall health....
World Water Day: Why it Matters and How to Take Action - The Goodfor Company

World Water Day: Why it Matters and How to Take Action

Water is essential for life, yet it is a finite resource becoming increasingly scarce. With a growing global population, climate change, and increasing demands on water resources, it is more important than ever to recognize...
Why your Brita Filter is Lying to you! - The Goodfor Company

Why your Brita Filter is Lying to you!

There are 4 Things Your Brita Pitcher Is Failing At Most people swear by their Brita Filters, and they are an industry standard for the very baseline of water purification, and while most people you...
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